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  • Action for Economic Reforms


The author is the Coordinator of Action for Economic Reforms, a research and policy advocacy NGO focusing on macroeconomic policy and governance issues.

The world can be truly confusing to a preschooler. He sees a movie on TV

where the villain is good-looking, lives in big and expensive houses, is surrounded by beautiful and sexy women, and drives a new luxury car. For most of the movie, he gets the upper hand. The hero is poor and suffers a lot. It is only in the end that he beats the villain and sends him to kingdom come.

What is the message of the movie? The movie is supposed to be saying that good triumphs in the end. But many adults would get a different message. The message that they get is that it’s okay to be a villain so long as they avoid being beaten by the hero. After all, the movie hero does not exist in real life.

But what about the preschooler who does not know yet right

from wrong? What message does he get from the movie? I think

this is the reason there is a Parental Guidance warning on

the screen. The parent should guide the child by distinguishing

right from wrong and explaining the context of the story,


How many parents do this? What if the child does not get

to see the end of the story and only sees the villain lording

it over everyone, including the hero? Do the kids really


the story of an entire movie or are they more influenced

by the attractive scenes and images? So, what message will


preschooler get from the movie?

The movie should not be confusing to adults because they

are expected to know right from wrong. They are supposed

to understand

the context in which the events in the movie happen and most

of all, adults presumably appreciate art and all that. But

what about the reality that unfolds before them day in and

day out?

Reality seems to run parallel to the movie: the very good-looking

villains ride in luxurious sedans, live in mansions way beyond

their declared means and are surrounded by glamorous people.

But where is the hero? And does the hero actually finish

off the villain? Does Act III (where the hero finishes off


villain) ever come? Reality seems like a long Act I and II

where the villain always has the upper hand and the hero

is nowhere in sight.

So what message do people get? In school, we are taught that

if one is honest, competent, hardworking, patient, etc.,

he or she will be successful. Do the lessons in school correspond

to the lessons in life? (Are the summa cum laudes and magna

cum laudes the most successful?)

High intelligence quotient (IQ) does not often guarantee

success. In fact, many people with very high IQs fail miserably;


there are many with average IQs who are quite successful

– financially, emotionally or both. The more recent concept


emotional quotient (EQ) is said to be a better gauge of success.

There is, however, no reliable and valid instrument to measure

EQ as of now. So, what are the models of success that people

see in our society?

In practically any town or city in the Philippines, what

does a perceptive student observe as he goes to school every


He sees the street scene transformed as he goes from elementary

to high school. The public school teacher’s house is old

and rundown. What was once a nipa hut owned by a seaman’s


is replaced by a concrete house courtesy of the seaman’s

monthly remittances. The fortunes of the politician seem

to double

every term while the public works office doesn’t seem to

be working at all. Road repairs are never completed while


and more school buildings fall apart. In a decade or two,

the mayor’s wife, brother, children have also become mayors,


or governors. Their family has also become the prominent

businessmen in the locality. What message does this send

to this student?

Would he want to become a public school teacher, too?

What is the message sent when a policeman says we must obey

traffic rules but uses the wrong lane and goes through a

red light even when there is no emergency?

What is the message sent when a government official rallies

the people to support the local industries but does so clothed

in foreign signature apparel from head to toe?

What is the message sent when a mayor asks his constituents

to pay their taxes but puts his name in big bold letters

in all the billboards of impact projects in the city (including

police cars)? Does this mean that what the mayor is doing


public service or is he using his position and the people’s

money and resources for his own interests?

To be sure, having the right leaders-cum-models is not the

only way to come up with better organizations. But certainly,

having leaders who have double standards is a big obstacle

to the growth and development of any organization.

And this is really one of the biggest challenges for a parent

or leader. As they say, actions speak louder than words.

Kids will follow what their parents say if these are consistent

with their parents’ actions. In fact, the parents don’t have

to say much if the kids see a lot of these things being done

by them.

Hindi magbubunga ng santol ang manga. (The mango tree cannot

possibly bear santol fruit).

Leadership by example is certainly a very powerful means

to influence a group – be it a family, a corporation or an


nation. But too much reliance on leaders to get things going

puts such a heavy burden on these leaders who may not be

able to rise to the occasion every time.

What happens to the children in a family where the parents

do not “walk the talk”? Or, as in many families

nowadays, where the parents are usually not around? What

happens to a

police department when its chief is on the jueteng payroll?

Many children will grow up bad, delinquent, even criminal.

But then, not all of them do so. Many SPO1s and SPO2s will

be corrupt, but there will be many, too, who are not. There

will even be a child or two who would excel in school,

become a leader and be very successful. The same is true

with the

police force.

But in many places where leaders have been charged and

jailed for various crimes, you will also find individual


and decent, disciplined people.

Kids need not always look up to their parents as role

models. Many people who know right from wrong will

consciously and bravely insist on what is right, despite

the consequences.

This is precisely what makes people different from

other organisms on Earth. But that is another story.

Leaders will certainly continue to lead and models

will continue to be emulated. It would really help

a lot if

they lead well

and thus be great models.


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