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  • Action for Economic Reforms


Mr. Dumlao is the Associate Chairman of the Department of Economics at the Ateneo de Manila University. This article was published in the Yellow Pad column of BusinessWorld, March 21, 2005 edition, p. 21.

A surprising news item on corruption in the country came out recently.

This was the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy’s (PERC’s) report

that the Philippines ranked as the second most corrupt country in Asia.

It says India, China and Vietnam are “cleaner” than the Philippines;

only Indonesia is worse!

But these are only perceptions. There is no argument that individual

respondents for one reason or another have some degree of subjectivity.

But the overall result of 900 respondents is more objective. One must

remember that they are executives from the private sector that come

from different industries. Some are from shipping, some finance, some

high-tech, and the list goes on. They also come from different

countries, like the US, Australia, Japan, etc. Because of the

respondent’s diversity the negative subjectivity of one can easily be

offset by another’s positive subjectivity.

One might be stringent in defining what makes a country corrupt. But

this is as easily offset by another respondent being subjectively lax.

In the end, individual subjectivities offset each other to come up with

an objective average. This is the “law of large numbers.”

It is also possible that the result is biased against the Philippines

not because of specific individual bias but because of a general

condition. For example, Sergio R. Ortiz Luis, Jr. of the Philippine

Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) is correct in suggesting that

perception depends on media reports. We all know that the Philippine

press is one of the freest in the world. If it is indeed true that the

free press tends to highlight the negative more than the positive, it

follows that what respondents read, hear and see are biased against the

Philippines. Hence, the bias against is not specific to individual

respondents, but characteristic of all.

But this assumes that respondents do not know about the country’s free

press and its other characteristics. Consider yourself having to fill

these survey forms. Would you say that China is one of the cleanest

because you do not get official media reports regarding corruption in

China? Chances are, you’d know that China’s press is one of the most

restricted in the world and factor that into your response. The same

goes with the Philippines. It is common knowledge that Philippine media

are one of the freest in the world. Just because one often gets

negative (or positive) reports about its government does not mean that

one will be biased negatively (or positively).

The good news is that the report is not likely to affect investors’

perception of the country. Peter Lee U of the University of Asia and

the Pacific (UA&P) puts it best, saying that foreigners have

already taken into account the level of corruption before even

investing here. This is good news in the sense that the already bad

perception is only confirmed by the report; therefore the bad

perception will not worsen. The more pessimistic interpretation of this

is that there is a general perception of massive corruption and this

perception, that ought to improve, will not improve.

Corruption is bad in any way it affects the economy. On the micro

level, corruption slows the processing of business permits and

therefore decreases productivity. It makes rules inconsistent. This

adds uncertainty, then risk and thus affects the investors’ required

rate of return even before committing capital to the Philippines.

Corruption worsens the level playing field, encourages rent-seeking and

inefficiency, and so on. On the macro level, the result of the report

will not likely decrease the already low level of investment since

investment decisions already take into account the severity of the

problem. But because the report affirms the negative, it will keep the

already low level of investment low.


A recent presentation of Jimmy Acevedo of the Ateneo de Manila cites an

IMF staff paper that conceptually and mathematically shows that

economies can fall into two steady states – multiple equilibria. In lay

terms, when corruption is minimal, an economy reaches a stable and very

good economic growth. But when corruption is massive, it reaches a

stable but not very good growth. If one applies the concept to the

Philippine context, the economy may reach stability and steady growth.

But it need not be that way. It can be better. It can still be stable

and have a higher steady growth. The solution points to decreasing the

amount of money that small-time corrupt officials have the discretion

to spend. It also points to decreasing the threshold of the amount of

money before big-time corrupt officials are exposed.

Unfortunately, PERC’s report is not descriptive enough in stating the

specific corruption that concerns investors. Felipe Medalla of the

University of the Philippines says that the report is simplistic and

does not reveal the true nature of corruption.

However the government is just as vague when measuring its success in

fighting corruption. For instance, the government intends to spend

P3.18 billion to fight corruption, for the next five years. But this

number is only a measure of how much to commit rather than the degree

of success. On the anniversary of People Power I, President Gloria

Macapagal Arroyo declared the use of the full force of the law, as she

has said several times before. Again, this just is a measure of what

will be done and not the degree of success. The continuous publicity of

lifestyle check is only a measure of publicity if it is not being

implemented. If implemented, it becomes a measure of what is being

done. It is still not a measure of success.

Whether government is committed or doing its best does not really

matter. The respondents of the PERC survey know this well. It does not

matter how hard they work for their respective companies. What matters

is the success they give their employers. “Show me the money!” is how

Cuba Gooding in the movie Jerry Maguire puts it. In the case of

corruption, the government has simply not shown the statistics of

success. For example, five years after the BW Resources scandal rocked

the Philippine stock market, nobody has been seriously convicted. There

are no numbers to show for.

As another example, one of the highest ranking officials of the Armed

Forces has been charged for corruption. But he was caught more by the

US immigration officials, rather than Philippine authorities. Alas, the

credit belongs to the US for now.

The anti-money laundering act has been passed but it is moot and

academic if nobody goes to jail for it. It has no data for success yet.

Two types of statistics that can be used to gauge the success on the

fight against corruption are quality and quantity of convictions. That

is: “quality” as measured by the amount of money involved, and

“quantity” as measured by the number of people convicted. These are

practical in the sense that they can be empirically obtained and used

to make a case for the degree of success. Economists call it “hard

data.” Conviction also involves the whole government. Before

conviction, there has to be a law to violate.

And so, legislators need to pass moral and practicable laws. To

convict, one must implement the law, literally pursue and charge

people. Hence the executive branch needs to implement. To convict, the

judicial system must do its job. Interestingly, most of the blame falls

on the executive branch if the data on this is unfavorable. But this

only eliminates the moral hazard, that is, that the executive branch is

not responsible for the corruption in the two other branches of

government. It is likely, though, that exposure of such statistics will

prompt the executive branch to proactively contain corruption in all



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