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Action for Economic Reforms


The author does political affairs analysis for AER. This piece was published in the Yellow Pad column of Business World, 28 June 2004 edition.

“Yet despite those successes, the truth is that we are closer to the

beginning of this struggle, this global insurgency, than to its end” –

Donald Rumsfeld, West Point

Insurgency vs. Terrorism

The above quotation came from Donald Rumsfeld’s commencement address to

the USMA graduating class. In that speech, he boasted that, “President

Bush formed an 80-nation global coalition. In less than three years,

this coalition of civilized nations has overthrown two vicious regimes,

liberated 50 million people, disrupted terrorist cells across the

globe, and thwarted many terrorist attacks ”

The 80-nation “global coalition of civilized nations” is composed of

countries that sent troops to fight, countries that sent personnel but

not to fight, countries that did not send anybody and finally,

countries that did not object to being counted in as part of the

coalition. American, British, and mercenary forces far outnumber the

total manpower contribution of all other coalition members combined.

“Ampaw” is the Filipino word for such a coalition.

The “two vicious regimes” overthrown by “this coalition of civilized

nations” used to be friends and agents of civilized nations. The

Taliban, including Bin Laden, were armed and trained by the CIA to

fight the Soviets while Saddam was the recipient of US chemical warfare

technology during his war with Iran, and when Donald Rumsfeld was

negotiating an oil pipeline deal with him on behalf of Bechtel.

The “50 million liberated people” are currently enjoying the

hospitality of prisons like Abu Ghraib, and the nightly display of

lethal fireworks raining down on their homes and creating human

abstractions that not even Picasso could paint.

The number of terror cells and terrorist attacks increased

exponentially after the US attacked Iraq and Bush endorsed Sharon’s

ethnic cleansing of the biblical Land of Israel. Of course the number

of “disrupted terror cells” and “thwarted” terrorist attacks will also

increase. Duh.

Rumsfeld explained to his graduating warriors why the Iraqi occupation

is not going as planned. He said, “The extremists know that the rise of

a free, self-governing Iraq at peace with its neighbors, respectful of

all religions, and committed to representative government would deal

them a decisive blow.”

A “free, self-governing Iraq” is not necessarily going to be at peace

with an Israel carrying out ethnic cleansing nor will it necessarily

welcome with open arms the invasion of evangelicals from the US Bible

Belt. In addition, a representative government will most likely place

its own national interest ahead of whatever it is that Rumsfeld has in

mind. Thus, under Rumsfeld’s criteria, Iraq will never be “free,

self-governing, and representative” and it will be lucky if it is not

“Balkanized” before the US occupation is over.

Still, White House lawn ornament Colin Powell asserted, “The Iraqi

government is sovereign and… it has said that we consent to the

presence of coalition forces, we want coalition forces there, we are

going to coordinate and cooperate with each other.” However, he was

also quick to remind Iraqis that “You can’t use the word ‘veto’ ” on

operations carried out by “coalition” forces.

Donald Rumsfeld’s West Point commencement address introduced a

terrifying new twist to the “up-is- down-ism” practiced by the Bush

administration. He morphed the “global war on terror” into a “war on

global insurgency.”

An insurgent is anyone who rises against “established authority”.

Insurgents can be Benigno Aquino, Nelson Mandela, or George Washington

and “established authority” can be despicable regimes like Marcos,

apartheid, or King George. Insurgents can also be Iraqis who simply

don’t want an occupied Iraq. So, what is “global insurgency”? Those who

disagree with the American war frame?

Global Insurgency, Malaysian Style

” this global struggle — this war — call it what you will—”Donald

Rumsfeld at the International Institute for Strategic Studies

conference in Singapore

One may recall that at the WestPoint graduation ceremony, Rumsfeld

called the same war – “…this global insurgency,.. “. The terminology of

war changes with the venue.

At West Point, Rumsfeld was speaking to his cadets. He could call

anybody who did not accept the American war frame an insurgent.

At the Singapore conference, Rumsfeld was speaking to an audience that

included formerly colonized peoplewho rose against “established

authority”. Insisting on his war frame and describing it as a war on

“global insurgency” to that audience wouldn’t have been too smart, even

for Rumsfeld. Thus, he allowed the audience to “call it what you will…”

The Malaysian Defense Minister took Rumsfeld’s word to “call it what

you will.” At the plenary session of the conference on “Defense,

Intelligence and the Campaign against Terror”, Malaysian Defense

Minister Najib said, “The lessons of Iraq should be clear to us: ill

prepared liberators do make mistakes and the failure of good intentions

can cause great damage to social and political stability.”


Najib’s statement shows just how much his country has matured

politically and grown in confidence and why it is earning the respect

of those who believe that sobriety and sovereignty are more important

than getting a pat on the head and a few dollars from Uncle Sam.

In addition, Najib rebuffed Rumsfeld’s clumsy attempt to lay the

predicate for greater US military presence in Southeast Asia

particularly in the Straits of Malacca. He said, “Granted, there is

much more that countries in this region can do to work together in

addressing the terrorist threat. However, what we should avoid is the

presence of foreign forces in Southeast Asia, …not because we distrust

those from outside the region, but because foreign military presence

will set us back in our ideological battle against extremism and

militancy.” Evidently, Malaysians understood better than Rumsfeld that

the struggle against terrorism required a balanced application of

“soft” and “hard” methods.

Najib elaborated further by saying, ” the question to ask is not

whether we will join this global campaign against terror, or when we

will do so, because we already have…What is more instructive is to

understand how we …have gone about trying to address these threats.

While our aims are one and the same with the rest of the free world,

…our methods may vary according to individual circumstances and local

conditions.. . We continue to be open and honest and confident enough

to examine the underlying issues that give rise to these acts of terror

in our midst, and work to resolve them as best as we can, so that the

perpetrators of terror can no longer wrongly claim the moral high

ground for their actions..”

Malaysia’s leaders understand the meaning and the value of doing their

own thinking, specially regarding the war against terrorism. It is what

any sovereign country should do. Unfortunately, it is also an

insurgency against America’s war frame.

Philippine leaders are different.

Angelo Reyes, formerly in charge of defending Philippine sovereignty,

characterized sovereignty as just a matter of “semantics” when it

involves Philippine-US relations. His Commander-in-Cheap/t enunciated

her foreign policy towards the United States by reassuring Bush,

“friends don’t ask why, they ask how”. For that, they got a pat on the

head and a few dollars from Uncle Sam.

Clearly, Philippine leaders are different. They are servile and as cheap as they come.

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