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  • Action for Economic Reforms


The author is coordinator and member of the Management Collective of Action for Economic Reforms.

Among some economists, the current joke is that they and their ilk

should be banned from seeking the presidency. One likely problem with

an economist-turned-president who thinks he knows his stuff is that he

would ignore advice and pursue an economic policy that does not make

sense to others.

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, a trained economist with a doctorate from the

University of the Philippines, has already spelled out her main

economic policies that on the whole, her fellow economists will

endorse. Yet, in a few areas – critical areas at that –

Macapagal-Arroyo’s policies are disputable. One point is

Macapagal-Arroyo’s certification to Congress of a priority measure to

enact a modified gross income tax for corporations.

Macapagal-Arroyo says she is out to tackle the budget deficit by its

horns. Her administration is committed to a prudent fiscal policy that

will focus on enhancing government revenues instead of cutting spending

– which would adversely affect anti-poverty programs. She has

identified enhancing tax administration and stamping out corruption in

the revenue-collecting agencies as the main challenge. For all this,

she has gained wide support.

Yet, in the same breath, she has proposed a new tax policy. This is a

combination of an across-the-board decrease in marginal tax rates for

individual income taxpayers, a higher level of personal income tax

exemption, the reduction of personal income tax brackets from seven to

four, and a modified gross income tax for corporations.

It is hard to figure out how this proposal can address weak revenue

collection. The significant reduction of revenues from personal income

tax, it is argued, will be more than offset by the increase in revenues

from the modified gross income tax for corporations. At first glance,

the modified gross income tax is tempting, for it suggests the

elimination of allowable deductible expenses. Ergo, there will be less

discretion and less harassment, resulting in higher tax payments.

Such hoped-for result, however, is doubtful; the proposition is flawed.

The tax is computed upon the subtraction of “cost of goods sold” from

gross income. Thus the discretion and the harassment will remain

because of various interpretations of what makes up the “cost of goods

sold.” We can foresee the endless debate as to whether an expense is

really part of the cost of goods sold. We can expect the firms to lower

their statement of gross income, but increase their expenses, including

personal or out-of-pocket expenses that can be passed off as part of

the cost of goods sold.

The computation for the modified gross income tax is very complicated.

For one thing, different firms and industries also have different cost

structures. And in some businesses, particularly in the service sector,

the application of cost of goods sold is vague. In the end, different

businesses and industries will clamor for their own set of rules. The

complexity that arises creates the conditions for discretion to once

again rear its ugly head. In a word, the modified gross income tax

violates a cardinal rule of tax policy: administrative simplicity.

The modified gross income tax violates another basic principle:

fairness and equity. For it penalizes the firms that have low profit

margins or have a small proportion of expenses that can qualify as part

of cost of goods sold.

All told, the outcome of Macapagal-Arroyo’s tax proposal will lead to a

drastic reduction of revenues from both the individual income tax and

the modified gross income tax for corporations.

Macapagal-Arroyo is aiming at the wrong target. Instead of insisting on

the passage of a modified gross income tax, she should focus her energy

on the main task of tax administration. This means providing all-out

support in a campaign to 1) clean up the revenue-collection agencies;

2) prosecute big-time tax evaders; 3) increase the withholding tax rate

on self-employed high-income earners; 4) complete the computerization

of the Bureau of Internal Revenue’s data base; and 5) widen the tax

base through third-party information.

The tax administration reforms should also be complemented with the

introduction of some desirable taxes to augment the tax effort

(measured as the percentage of tax revenues to gross domestic product).

Higher excise taxes should be imposed on affluent consumption (e.g.,

vehicles such as Pajeros and Expeditions). The specific taxes on

tobacco and liquor also have to be increased, at least to adjust for


Various quarters have criticized the modified gross income tax scheme,

and perhaps Macapagal-Arroyo and her Cabinet have realized the mistake.

One can perhaps interpret the Finance secretary’s statement that the

modified gross income is for the “medium term” a sign of retreat. The

modified gross income tax is not even part of the agenda of the

National Socioeconomic Summit.

Withdrawing the proposal will be a test of Macapagal-Arroyo’s

leadership. What makes her dilemma worse is that if she drops the

modified gross income tax, she would also have to withdraw the populist

measure to reduce across-the-board individual income tax rates. The

assumption that the modified gross income tax more than compensates for

the forgone revenues from individual income tax is completely

unfounded. Withdrawing a popular measure would inflict heavy damage on

her presidential bid in 2004.

Macapagal-Arroyo needs a graceful exit, which requires subtle political

and communication skills. The typical economist does not specialize in

this, but Macapagal-Arroyo is more honed as a politician than as an

economist. But above all, a good leader possesses the quality of being

humble and courageous enough to admit a mistake. We now wait and see

how skillfully she extricates herself from this dilemma.


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