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Action for Economic Reforms


The author is a professor of economics at the Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics and the executive director of the Angelo King Institute for Economic and Business Studies, De La Salle University.

Behind the failure of the Philippines to adjust more effectively to the

demands of a more open economy is a government that faced a severe

budget constraint especially in the latter 1980s and early 1990s as an

aftermath of the economic crisis of the early 1980s. The share of debt

service to total government expenditures during 1986-1992 averaged 39%,

although this dropped substantially to 19% during 1993-1999. The high

debt service burden in the latter 1980s and early 1990s has prevented

the country to be more aggressive in its infrastructure program in view

of the inadequacy of counterpart funds for the official

development-assisted projects. The share of government infrastructure

expenditures to GDP averaged 3.3% during 1986-1999. This share is lower

than a number of East Asian countries. For example, the average share

of infrastructure investments to GDP during 1990-1992 was 4.6% in

China, 4.3% in Indonesia, 5.8% in Malaysia, 4.3% in Thailand and 4.6%

in Korea (Kohli, 1994 ).

This perennial underinvestment in infrastructure meant a comparatively

poorer stock of infrastructure facilities in the country compared to

the other countries. Indeed, the perennial top complaint of foreign

investors in the Philippines in the 1990s is the poor state of

infrastructure. The Philippines ranks as one of the worst in

infrastructure in the annual World Competitiveness. The negative output

effect of lack of investments in infrastructure was clearly illustrated

by the power crisis of the early 1990s which contributed to the

recession at that time. The crisis also forced the government to

undertake expensive power projects under build-operate-transfer by the

private sector with performance guarantees from the National

Government; these guarantees are now putting additional pressure on the

already tight budget of the National Government.

Political economy considerations also dictated that a significant

amount of the budget was allocated in redistributive programs, best

exemplified by the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). CARP

had to be pushed in the late 1980s and the 1990s because land tenure

problems were at the heart of agrarian unrest in the country since the

colonial period. The importance of CARP is indicated in that its goal

is enshrined in the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Thus, to some extent

CARP brought peace in the countryside. Recent studies do not show an

overwhelming productivity effect from CARP; thus, it is best to

consider the government expenditures in CARP as primarily for equity

and agrarian peace. Other redistributive programs are in some ways an

inefficient way to support some population groups. For example, the

government support to the National Food Authority, the government’s

rice and corn marketing and price stabilization agency, is greater than

the government’s expenditures for irrigation. Filipino economists have

criticized this as an inefficient way of supporting Filipino farmers.

The economic crisis of the early 1980s and the stop-go nature of

Philippine economic growth meant the significant decline in the

domestic saving rate from the late 1970s to the latter 1980s. The low

saving rate since the mid-1980s have barely recovered to the level of

the 1970s. Thus, the gross saving to GDP ratio averaged 26% during

1980-1982, dropped to an average of 20% during the crisis years of

1983-1986, stayed flat at 20% during 1987-1990, declined to 18% in the

recession years of 1991-1993 before reaching 24% during the “boom

years” of the mid-1990s. The sluggishness of Philippine domestic saving

rate during much of the period stands in sharp contrast to the

significant rise in the domestic saving rate in other Southeast Asian

and East Asian countries. These other countries, e.g., China, Malaysia,

Thailand, Korea and Singapore, had domestic saving rates in the low 30s

to low 40s as a percent share of GNP during the 1990s.

The comparatively low domestic saving rate is mirrored in the

comparatively low investment rate. Yet, an effective restructuring of

the economy consistent with the demands of a more open economy involves

investments. Firms need to invest in new machinery and training of

workers to increase productivity in the old or new areas of comparative

advantage. It can be argued that one major reason why the Philippine

textile industry was substantially hit by trade liberalization was

because a large number of the firms did not invest in upgrading their

plants and in retraining their workers. (For a number of them which had

inefficient integrated operations, the upgrading included the need to

specialize.) With relatively low investments, the country, especially

the manufacturing sector, failed to generate the productivity growth

needed to offset the reduction in trade protection and the appreciation

of the currency during much of the period.

With comparatively low saving rate, the Philippines needed to rely more

on foreign direct investments than other East Asian countries in order

to have a robust economic growth. However, the Philippines was also

largely a laggard in this area vis-a-vis other East Asian countries.

Disincentives such as poor infrastructure, peace and order problems,

and unsettled labor conditions may have dampened foreign investors

interest except in industries like semiconductors where the Philippines

has an emerging comparative advantage because of the abundance of

relatively low-priced semiskilled, educated and English-speaking

workers. (Even here, the MNCs started to flock to the Philippines only

when the private sector industrial estates with much better

infrastructure facilities were established, mainly in the 1990s.) It is

also likely that the foreign investment in the country was

comparatively low because the low domestic saving rate may have

constrained the establishment of more joint ventures between Filipino

firms and foreign firms.

In short, because the Philippines undertook its trade liberalization

after a major economic crisis, the country did not have the

macroeconomic and resource leeway to improve further the

infrastructural and technological foundation of its economic

restructuring concomitant to the further opening up of the economy

during the latter 1980s and the 1990s.

Poor employment creation and poverty. Apart from the higher returns to

agricultural production (because most of the poor are farmers), the

other best way of reducing poverty is to generate employment,

especially the more remunerative ones. However, because of the

country’s failure to adjust better to trade liberalization and

globalization, the country’s unemployment rate was high during the

period. The country’s unemployment rate averaged 8.7% during 1990-1993,

declined to 8.4% during 1994-1995 and dropped to its lowest in the

1990s at 7.4% in 1996 before rising again to reach an average of 9.5%

during 1998-1999. In addition, the underemployment rate is very high at

an average of 21.4% during 1990-1999 (reaching as high as 23.7% in


The sectoral composition of employment echoes the poor employment

creation during the 1990s. As noted earlier, manufacturing contributed

only 4.6% of the total number of new jobs during the 1990s. As a

result, the share of manufacturing declined from 10.65% in 1992 to

9.58% in 1999. What has increased significantly in share are wholesale

and retail trade as well as community, social and personal services.

Construction expanded employment during the mid-1990s but has started

to lose share in the late 1990s when the East Asian crisis hit the

construction industry. The significant rise in the shares to total

employment of wholesale and retail trade and of community, social and

personal services reflects the failure of the economy to generate more

remunerative jobs, especially in the manufacturing sector. This is

because the sales workers are primarily retail sales workers mainly on

perpetual temporary contracts if in the formal sector or are involved

in retailing in the informal sector. Similarly, the rise in service

workers may involve primarily the increase in domestic service.

In sum, the high unemployment and underemployment rates, the poor

employment creation especially in the more remunerative jobs, the high

food costs, and the low agricultural growth have all contributed

significantly to the persistence of poverty in the Philippines.

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