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  • Action for Economic Reforms


Buencamino does political affairs analysis for the NGO Action for Economic Reforms. This piece was published in the newspaper Today, page 9, 19 July 2004.

God loves you, and I love you. And you can count on both of us as apowerful message that people who wonder about their future can hear.”—GEORGE BUSH, Los Angeles, California, March 3, 2004

Filipinos losing sleep over President Arroyo’s decision to put theFilipino first can now rest assured that visas and invitations toUnited States Embassy functions won’t be snatched from their graspinghands. Likewise, Philippine government officials need not worry about areturn to the icy postbases regime when promises of foreign aid werenot forthcoming. You can all relax, God and Bush love you and careabout you.

US Ambassador Riccardione reiterated it as he emerged from a courtesycall on the AFP leadership. He said, “This is the time of a severe testto your country. We are allies. We are here for you.” With thatstatement, Riccardione could have put to rest any uncertainty about thefuture, but he had to add, “In a time of test, enemies demand that youkneel before them. I just ask you please don’t confuse your enemieswith your friends.”

When the US Intelligence Committee reported that Bush’s rationale forhis pre-emptive attack on Iraq was sheer horseshit, Bush should havetelephoned Arroyo to apologize for lying to her. In addition, he shouldhave followed it up with a written apology personally delivered toMalacanang by Riccardione. Instead, Riccardione went to Malacanangdemanding an explanation from President Arroyo.

Let’s set the record straight. The US Senate Intelligence Committeefound no links between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden—walangwala—so the invasion and occupation of Iraq is about something elsewhich doesn’t concern us. Do not conflate the war against Iraq with thewar on terror. Stop confusing your friends, Mr. Riccardione.

Filipinos have been finding gainful employment in Iraq for at least 30years. Except for Jose de Venecia’s unfortunate experience, there arehardly any horror stories between Iraqis and Filipinos. As a matter offact, among all the countries in the Middle East, Iraq has the bestrecord with Filipinos. Why, then, should we go to war with Iraq?Because some Iraqis are using terror to get us to withdraw from theoccupationcoalition?

Struggles against foreign occupation are always asymmetrical. If powerwere balanced, there would be no occupation. This power imbalance leadsthe weaker side to use unconventional strategies and tactics, therebystarting a spiral of brutality and cruelty on the part of bothcombatants. Are Iraqis using terror to get us to withdraw from theoccupation coalition? Yes. It’s one of the few weapons in theirarsenal. Would they resort to retail terror if they could deliver itwholesale with stealth fighters, bunker busters and smart bombs? Butarguing over those questions misses the point because the real questionthat should concern us is: Do we want to be caught in the middle of allthat carnage?

“Enemies” are not asking Arroyo to kneel before them. Iraqis are askingher to stay out of their war against an occupation force. Our nationalsurvival is not at stake in the outcome of that war, but our nationalinterest demands that Arroyo place the welfare of her people above allelse. Filipino first. What is so shameful and craven about that?

“Friends” are asking Arroyo to continue lending her credibility totheir occupation of Iraq even after they had lied to her. Why shouldArroyo bend over backward when such “friends” can’t resist takingliberties with a Filipino in that position?

Now, tell us, who’s confusing enemies with friends?


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