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  • Action for Economic Reforms



General Information

Job Title: Layout Artist

Project: PH3D

Contract Duration: April 26 – December 15, 2022

Type of Contract: Project-Based

Languages Required: English and Filipino


Action for Economic Reforms (AER) is a civil society policy research, advocacy, and action group by publicly-engaged political economists that works on key issues around fiscal policy, food and agriculture, industrial policy, governance, interface, data-driven development, and Freedom of Information. Together with the European Union (co-funder), it is currently implementing a project called Data-Driven Development in the Philippines or PH3D.

PH3D is designed to help Partner Sites deliver their priority projects using data and technology, and community alliances. Using the PH3D framework, Partner Sites will have access to actionable evidence that will empower them to view key macro and micro data, prioritize programs, manage resources, enhance capacity for data-driven decisions, and get support from CSOs. It is a two-year project that focuses on four sites: The City of Pasig in Metro Manila, the Municipalities of Arteche and Guiuan in Eastern SaARP, and the Province of Sorsogon in Bicol; It covers three sectors: transparency through Freedom of Information (FOI) for Pasig, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) for Eastern SaARP, and Universal Health Care (UHC) for Sorsogon.

Scope of Work

As part of PH3D’s strategy under communications and visibility, it requires publishing of various materials that will require the services of a Layout Artist. The contractor shall undertake the following responsibilities:

  • Provide three (3) layout prototypes following the AER, PH3D, and European Union (EU) brand guidelines;

  • Layout the manuscript based on the guidance of PH3D;

  • Create backgrounds/graphics that support the narrative of the manuscripts;

  • Submit Hi-Res Output + all layered files, elements

​Deliverables/ Outputs

Due Dates

Review and Approvals Required

Designated Person

(12) Data Reports

? Four (4) Data Quality and

Availability (3pp per report)

? Four (4) Data Analytics (5pp per


? Three (3) OpenStreetMaps (5pp

per report)

? One (1) Data Protocols and Best

Practices in Data (20pp)



SEP 2022

DEC 2022


Data Lead

(33) Policy Materials

Learner’s Kit (3)

? Workshop 4 Guide (8pp)

? Workshop 5 Guide (8pp)

? Consolidated Guide (20pp)

Workshop Materials (21)

? One (1) Workshop 1 for Guiuan

(16pp, Ready)

? One (1) Workshop 1 for Arteche

(13pp, Ready)

? One (1) Workshop 2 for Arteche

(17pp, Ready)

? One (1) Workshop 2 for Guiuan

(17pp, Ready)

? One (1) Workshop 1 for

Sorsogon, Batch 1 (25pp,


? One (1) Workshop 1 for

Sorsogon, Batch 2 (25pp,


? Four (4) Workshop 3 (35pp,


? Four (4) Workshop 4 (20pp,


? Four (4) Workshop 5 (20pp,


? Three (3) Social Media Training

(30pp, AUG22)

Policy Notes (8)

? Policy Note 1: 25pp, ARP22

? Policy Note 2: 10pp, ARP22

? Policy Note 3: 10pp, ARP22

? Policy Note 4: 10pp, APR22

? Policy Note 5: 10pp, JUN22

? Policy Note 6: 10pp, JUN22

? Policy Note 7: 10pp, JUL22

? Policy Note 8: 10pp, AUG22

APR 25, 2022

JUN 22, 2022

JUL 22, 2022


Policy Lead

(1) Final PH3D Report (30pp)

DEC 2022


Partnerships Lead

Institutional Arrangement

The Layout Artist shall coordinate directly with the PH3D Partnerships Lead for guidance and instruction on the visual aspects of the output. For specifics on the manuscript and application to layout, to the respective Designated Persons, as indicated adobe.

Qualifications of the Layout Artist

  • Proficient in digital layout and design (publications, reports, training materials etc.)

  • Must be able to submit sample of works or portfolio;

  • Experience in complying with brand guidelines is an advantage;

  • Must be able to work and deliver outputs remotely, with minimal supervision, and within deadline.

Fee and Schedule of Payment

A professional fee will be provided upon submission of deliverables on a per tranch basis. The honorarium will depend on qualification and is subject to appropriate Government Tax.

Additional Terms

This is a Project Agreement that does not imply any employer-employee relationship between AER and the Layout Artist.

Upon termination of services, AER has no liability under this Contract for any charges or expenses to Consultant/Contractor other than for approved services already rendered.

Supervision: AER shall furnish assignments/shot list, general direction, and guidance in connection with the work to be performed hereunder.

Confidentiality: The Layout Artist agrees to treat all information and materials disclosed to the him/her during the course of this Agreement as proprietary and confidential information of AER, as the case may be, and agrees to keep all such information and files confidential, and not to disclose such information and files or make use thereof without AER’s prior written consent.

Assignment: This is an Agreement for the provision of professional services by a Layout Artist and therefore is not assignable in whole or in part by the Layout Artist without express written permission of AER.

Termination: This Agreement may be terminated for cause, following the AER Staff Manual, by AER upon written notice to the Layout Artist. In the event of such termination, AER shall be liable only for payment of services rendered.

Layout Artist is expected to separately sign the relevant undertakings, which include the AER Child Protection Policy and the Code of Conduct Policy.

Changes to this Agreement shall be jointly agreed to by AER and the Layout Artist.

Send your resumé, cover letter, and portfolio to: with the subject line [Layout Artist]. Deadline for submission of applications is on April 26, 2022.


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