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The strategy for the world economic recovery must be nurtured with the right paradigm.

The first paradigm concerns the need for balance in managing the twosides to the economy: real economy and the financial markets. It isundesirable to promote the financial markets in ways that harm theinterests of the real economy.

I pose two examples to clarify this thesis.  The first example is the Jobo bills of 1984 with interest rate as high as 43% which led to closure of businesses, high unemployment and the exodus of OFW in the 80s.

The second takes the opposite action – the Fed Reserve’s close-to-zero interest rate. The decision by the Fed in keeping and prolonging this rate fuels speculative fever in stock markets, promotes the so-called "currency carry trade”, develops global asset bubbles, raises oil prices in the futures markets and gas pumps.

Download the full article here.

The writer is an entrepreneur, and author of books “The Peso Exchange Rate: Why Are We So Poor?” and “The Philippine Economy: Do Our Leaders Have A Clue?” His  piece was published in the November 30, 2009edition of the Business World, page S4/3.


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