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  • Action for Economic Reforms


The author is an associate professor and the chairman of the Economics Department of the Ateneo de Manila University. He is also the editor of the book, “The Filipino Worker in the Global Economy,” published by the Philippine APEC Study Center Network.

It may be a surprise to some of you, but the Philippines ever since had

been engaged in a competitive strategy. Protectionism – the policy of

protecting domestic industries in order to create a capital-intensive

industrial base – was a plan implemented by the country aimed at

generating continued growth, and ultimately spurring progress and

development. Unfortunately, the outcome of such a policy was the

opposite of what we were hoping. Trade protection (or the whole gamut

of policies from import substitution to “competitive clustering” and

“picking out winners”) is not based on an economics of national

interest, but really formulated within a politics of special interest.

Politics can sometimes produce economic policies that are in fact

irrational but made to look brilliant. To see why one must go beyond

the abstract concepts of gains and benefits from free trade and

competition toward a specific listing of the costs and benefits of

trade protection and competitiveness.

The main difficulty with these previous strategies on competitiveness

is that eventually these merely cause a transfer of resources away from

unprotected industries toward those that are considered virtuous. In

the process, these create a disincentive to be more efficient and a

hindrance to “learning by doing” since these protected corporations

will in the process profit anyway. In effect, rent seeking is

engendered. Consumers end up paying more than the costs of “cheaper”

foreign products, and more importantly, the effect on growth and

productivity is restricted.

The key question really is what determines and sustains competitiveness

in its truest sense. To some extent, government policies and

intervention influence competitiveness. However, more predominantly, it

is the available set of resources in a country that will indicate which

industry will have an advantage. If an industry uses a resource that is

more abundant in the country, the product will cost lower than those

similar products in other countries where such a resource is scarce.

Hence, because of trade, industries will benefit from the higher prices

found in the other countries. Consequently, the country becomes

competitive because of its specialized resources that are abundant or

that can be obtained at a lower cost.

For countries with abundant labor supply, competitiveness suggests that

workers will inevitably be paid at a very low level, and be forced to

work in poor working conditions. I say inevitably because we know that

firms are not in the business of caring for their workers’ health and

nutrition. The workers will be paid at the minimum, just enough for

them to remain in the firms’ employ given the other alternatives. These

alternatives of course may be the worst states of conditions, for

instance, when people may in fact voluntarily work in garbage dumps

such as Payatas and Smokey Mountain.

Yet, whenever competitive export growth is experienced, a significant

measurable improvement in the lives of the ordinary workers is found.

Partly, this is because, with a larger market, particular firms will

now be forced to raise wages in order to attract workers to join them.

More importantly, continued export growth creates “ripple effects”

throughout the whole economy. With lesser pressure on land, rural wages

will begin to rise. With the growth of the manufacturing sector, the

unemployment surplus in the urban areas will shrink. As the export

growth becomes even more established, wages will sooner or later be

almost at the same level as developed countries. This will then lead to

lesser families working and residing in the garbage dumps.

If you are not convinced, all you have to consider is the fact that

wages here in the Philippines, at least in several industries that have

gained a foothold in world market, such as those in information

technology, are no longer considered cheap even as these industries

retain their competitiveness. Thus, higher wages and competitiveness

are not contradictory.

Nevertheless, higher wages must be accompanied by higher labor

productivity. This means that each worker should produce additional

amounts of output. With higher productivity, firms can afford to raise

wages and remain competitive since the workers are able to produce

substantial amount of goods that can be sold in the markets, thereby

earning higher revenues for their employers.

Labor productivity in turn is improved by human capital investments,

such as education, health, nutrition, and housing, as well as access to

capital and technology. Raising labor productivity will then require a

substantial amount of public and private investment, and perhaps a

significant degree of wealth distribution for households to raise their

human capital.

This last point suggests that while competitiveness is a prerequisite

to economic development, it is not sufficient. A full complement of

institutional reforms will be required in order to reap the gains of

trade openness. In fact, institutional reforms have to be pursued even

without agreeing to integrate with world markets, and promoting a

trade-oriented policy is definitely not a substitute for these reforms.

Of course, substantial costs for institutional reform must be incurred,

and these need to be spent whether we open our markets or not. The

value of competitiveness, however, is that it allows us a greater set

of options for building our resources and more importantly forces us to

address these issues of growth, institutional reform and distribution

more efficiently. In other words, competitiveness would not be an end

in itself, but the means towards more sustainable reforms.

Unfortunately, some manufacturing industries in poor countries, like

the Philippines, may have to start at lower real wages to be

competitive. With the subsequent gains coming from trade owed mainly to

workers’ efforts, the necessary taxes and subsidies should then be

established in order to allow eventually an improvement in productivity

and a broad-based improvement in the workers’ welfare. Far from being

the cause of workers’ hardships, a sustained competitive policy,

followed by institutional reforms to redistribute its benefits, is the

only feasible strategy for improving the well-being of the Filipino

worker. This is what we should prepare for as we begin our recovery in

the next few months.


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