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  • Action for Economic Reforms


Press Release – Action for Economic Reforms – 12 October 2012

In the wake of the heroic act of BIR Commissioner Kim Henares, issuing a strong statement accusing Senator Recto of betraying the Aquino administration, Action for Economic Reforms (AER) reiterates its call to Senator Recto to resign as Chair of the Senate ways and means committee.

It is most unethical for Sen. Recto to continue as Chair in light of his act of betrayal, said Filomeno Sta. Ana III, coordinator of AER.

Further, AER calls on the Liberal Party leadership to discipline Senator Recto. “Senator Recto’s act of betrayal, his callous disregard for the public interest, especially the health of the young and the poor, and his being puppet of the tobacco industry should be barred from daang matuwid,” said Mr. Sta. Ana. “Recto should join the party that opposes the real sin tax reform and supports the tobacco industry.”

The medical community also supports the call of Action for Economic Reforms and the statement of Commissioner Henares. Dr. Tony Leachon, the spokesperson for the coalition of doctors supporting the sin tax reform said that he commends Commissioner Henares for her statement on Recto’s betrayal.

Said Dr. Leachon: “In Matthew 26:15, Judas received 30 pieces of silver to betray Jesus. What does 30 pieces of silver mean in relation to the committee report? It’s the betrayal of public trust and health of the Filipino people.”

Civil society groups describe the ways and means committee report as the Philip Recto or Recto Morris report.


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