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  • Action for Economic Reforms


The author is dean, School of Management and Information Technology, De La Salle University, College of St. Benilde.

Recently, University of South Carolina professor Donald Weatherbee

delivered a lecture at De La Salle University regarding US-Southeast

Asian relations in the post 9-11 security environment. During the open

forum that commenced, a Philippine foreign ministry official asked

about the visitor’s views on the roots of terrorism after emphasizing

that the current administration recognizes the link between the war on

terrorism and the war on poverty. From the ensuing discussion, I

gathered that many of our distinguished colleagues and professors share

a similar view about poverty and terrorism.

Professor Weatherbee humbly stated that he was not familiar with the

literature (since he is an expert in international relations than in

terrorism). He said that he has not encountered any empirical study

that provided a direct link between poverty and terrorism. He pointed

that the backgrounds of many terrorist leaders revealed that they are

well-educated and at least middle-class individuals. There were other

aspects of terrorism mentioned that suggest a weak correlation.

This is not to say that poverty has no link to terrorism at all as some

members of terrorist groups do come from certain poverty groups.

However, the link between poverty and terrorism seems weak and tends to

be exaggerated. At best, poverty conditions some support for terrorist

activities. This yellow pad note is a written reaction to the issue

brought upon by the occasion of Weatherbee’s lecture.


Poverty is not the root cause of or motivation for terrorism. If the

official analysis subscribes to the poverty-terrorism link, the

argument would be that the war on terrorism could be decisively won by

winning the war against poverty. This may justify an anti-poverty

agenda that underscores expanded but ineffective welfare-oriented

programs. As such, scarce resources would tend to be diverted from

programs that could in the long run support wealth generation and

promote social cohesion.

Overcoming mass poverty – a perennial phenomenon – is a long-drawn

process. Victory can be decided by many external and internal factors,

which include among others the results of our technological,

scientific, industrial and marketing capabilities. Building these

capabilities could take long. Hence, it would be reasonable to expect

the fight against terrorism to be won in 10, 15, 25 years or longer.

What then can be done between now and then so that terrorism could

linger no longer?


Behind the use of terror for political gain, there are causes other

than poverty. As defined, terrorism is an act of political violence

against the State by sowing fear among the general public. It induces

the public’s loss of confidence in the ability of the State to protect

them. What then motivates the terrorist act?

Monetary and ideological reasons seem to provide a more plausible

explanation and link. Of the two, terrorism based on ideology offers a

more romantic justification. To members and supporters, the validity

and attractiveness of ideology (and the underlying terrorist methods)

is reinforced by the historical record and continuing perceptions of

social injustice.

Injustices are committed against various segments and individuals of

society. Historically, religion has been used frequently as a platform

to react against prevailing systems of injustice. This has bolstered

the view of “civilizations” clashing simply because religious tolerance

is lacking among certain groups of people. In not a few instances too

the constitutions, laws, and elite politics of nation-states

discriminate against many groups of people – in terms of religious and

political beliefs, socioeconomic status, gender, race and ethnic

grouping, etc. States have not sufficiently corrected (and apologized

for) social injustices. Further, justice systems have been corrupted

and broken down.

Therefore, in many societies, the grievances have not stopped. The

wounds continued to deepen in the face of helplessness. And for some

sensitive and well-educated individuals, replacing the social order is

an imperative with terrorism as an optional response to the unjust

social order. Poverty is seen as an effect of social injustice – of

colonial history, of racial or religious violence, and of irresponsible

and self-serving elite governance. True enough, the poor are often the

victims of social injustice and middle-class intellectuals sympathize

with their plight.

Oftentimes, however, the stress on poverty has obfuscated the general

analysis of mass discontent and also of terrorism. In many parts of the

Philippines, the reality of daily poverty is stark but it seems that

the reality of “the unjust society” is more explosive. Poverty

engenders defeat and hate. But injustice triggers vengeful rage. Thus,

it could be observed that the methods of those fighting poverty are

usually different from those who are victims or witnesses of injustice.

If the insight is given serious consideration, the implication is that

government should pay more attention and resources in the

administration of justice and in maintaining public order. Government

institutions should make sure that laws are just, everyone is equal

before the law, and the rule of law prevails. Beyond what government

and the State could provide, top-level decision makers (as change

agents) should be aware of the justice systems in their own workplace.

What these can do hopefully is to create the conditions for the

systematic reduction of many other social ills and obstacles to

cooperation, human development, and wealth generation.


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