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  • Action for Economic Reforms


The author is part of the Management Collective Member of Action for

Economic Reforms, an independent policy analysis and advocacy

organization focusing macroeconomic and governance issues.

One of the most difficult challenges in the fight against poverty is

the task of locating the poor. This challenge is felt nationally and is

even more apparent at the level of provinces and municipalities across

the country. In reality, there is very little information about the

poverty situation at the subnational level. Such information gaps can

result to poor targeting and defective planning.

To respond to this challenge, Action for Economic Reforms (AER) has

developed an alternative measure of poverty and human capability. This

measure, referred to as the Quality of Life Index, or QLI, is a

composite index that uses a capability-based approach in measuring

accomplishment in human development. The measure focuses on the outcome

of the development process rather than on the means to achieve such

outcome. It excludes income and other means variables in the

computation of the composite index.

The Quality of Life Index captures three basic dimensions of human

capability: the capability to be well nourished; the capability for

healthy and safe reproduction; and the capability to be educated and be

knowledgeable. The index is computed based on the following indicators:

under-five nutrition; births attended by trained health personnel; and

cohort survival rate in elementary school. These component indicators

serve as proxy measures of basic human capabilities.

The comparative advantage of using the Quality of Life Index lies in

the convenience of generating the index and its applicability even at

the local level. The index is a cost-effective indicator. It can be

generated without resorting to household surveys that are often too

costly and well beyond the capacity of local government units to

undertake on a regular basis. Time series analysis can easily be

presented using the index to facilitate a longer term monitoring of the

poverty situation. Statistical tests found the index to be strongly

correlated with other poverty measures, thus making it a good

alternative where no other indicator is available.

In its recently launched book, The 2001 Report, Social Watch

Philippines presented the latest (1999) Quality of Life Indices for

Philippine provinces. The presentation shows very interesting results

and provides important leads in tracking poverty across the country.

The difficult life experienced by Filipinos during the past decade is

well reflected in the aggregate QLI figures for the Philippines.

Nationally, the QLI increased only marginally from .671 to .689 for the

period 1991 to 1999. The index actually slid back in 1994 before

experiencing a modest increase in 1997. The index was virtually

stagnant from 1997 to 1999. Over time, attended births showed a gradual

steady improvement while elementary cohort survival rate was virtually

stagnant. The improvement in attended births, however, had been

partially offset by the consistent deterioration of the nutrition

status of under-five children.

Across provinces, the QLI scores for 1999 range from a low of .479 to a

high of .908. As expected, Luzon dominated the list of high-performing

provinces. Surprisingly, the relatively remote Batanes topped the list,

while two other island provinces (Siquijor and Camiguin) joined the

list of top performers, surpassing most of the income-rich provinces of

Luzon. Batanes topped the list in nearly all categories and has been

consistently in the number-one slot since 1991. On the other hand, the

income-poor provinces of Mindanao, along with the poor provinces of

Eastern and Western Visayas and Southern Luzon, registered the lowest

QLI scores.

Immediately, one concludes that income determines quality of life. The

statistics, however, noted that income alone does not guarantee

improvement in the quality of life. For example, there are middle- and

even poor-income provinces such as Siquijor, Camiguin, Misamis

Oriental, Bohol, Nueva Vizcaya and Mountain Province that scored

relatively high in QLI. The implication of this is that even poor

households can have better quality of life by improving access to

critical services such as health, education, livelihood support, and


Provinces such as Davao Oriental, North Samar, Maguindanao, Masbate,

and Sulu can be classified as the poorest in terms of income and

capabilities and, therefore, need immediate attention. Critical

intervention is needed particularly on services that were found to be

significant determinants of well-being, as measured by the QLI. These

services and infrastructures are roads, transportation, farm access,

electricity, housing, water, sanitary facilities, schools with adequate

books and teachers and health facilities with adequate health


The Quality of Life Index is not a replacement of the existing income

and poverty measures, but a complementary statistic that can be

particularly useful in tracking poverty at the local level. The index

can prove effective in identifying priority areas for development work

and human capital investment. It can fill in critical information gaps,

and thus help in poverty analysis, policy formulation and programming.

The QLI also serves as an effective advocacy tool as it underscores the

importance of human development and makes it a priority concern in

development work.

Top and Bottom Provinces in QLI Rating (1999)

Top Provinces


Bottom Provinces


1. Batanes


69. Biliran


2. Bataan


70. Bukidnon


3. Siquijor


71. North Cotabato


4. Cavite


72. Masbate


5. Ilocos Norte


73. Northern Samar


6. Pampanga


74. Occidental Mindoro


7. Bulacan


75. Basilan


8. Benguet


76. Sarangani


9. Nueva Ecija


77. Sulu


10. Batangas


78. Maguindanao



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